News & Information
Church of St. Anne Food Pantry
Union County Child Seat Inspection Program Available for Residents
Vote-by-Mail Ballots are Now Available at the Union County Clerk’s Westfield Office
Parking Permits Are Required
Got a Recycling Question? There’s an App for that!
Advisory: Vehicles Must Be Cleared From The Roadway When Snow Accumulations Exceed 3"
How to Report Potholes in Union County
Reminder: Safely Dispose of Unused or Expired Medicines at Garwood's Prescription Medication Drop Box
PSE&G Power Outage Report
PSE&G is reporting 1 power outage in the Borough of Garwood as a result of the winter storm that has been impacting our area. This outage is affecting fewer than 5 customers at this time. To report an outage by phone call 1-800-436-PSEG (7734) or text "OUT" to 4PSEG (47734).
“Register Ready – New Jersey’s Special Needs Registry for Disasters”
“Register Ready – New Jersey’s Special Needs Registry for Disasters” allows New Jersey residents with disabilities or access and functional needs and their families, friends, caregivers and associates an opportunity to provide information to emergency response agencies so emergency responders can better plan to serve them in a disaster or other emergency.
The information collected here is confidential and will not be available to the public. The information will be held securely and only used for emergency response and planning.
Why should you register?