2024-2025 Department of Public Works Schedule of Services

  • 2025 Schedule of Services
  • HOUSEHOLD GARBAGE PICKUP – Household garbage is picked-up curbside for all residential units located within the Borough according to the schedule on pages 3 & 4. All household garbage is to be placed in a covered watertight receptacle, not to exceed 35 gallons. The receptacles are to be placed curbside after 6:00 p.m. the night before the scheduled pick-up. Garbage not placed in the appropriate receptacles or containers. Those containing recyclables, brush, leaved grass or non-household garbage will not be picked up. See pages 9 & 10 for other waste.
  • RECYCLING – Picked up curbside on Wednesdays alternating sides of town by Grand Sanitation – Customer Service 908-222-1566 – for missed pick ups.

Garwood Launches Recycle Coach

For residents looking to become better recyclers, look no further than the Recycle Coach app—now available in Garwood. The Recycle Coach application provides recycling information in a clear and concise manner to improve recycling rates as well as successfully engage residents to learn about ‘Reduce, Re-use and Recycle” principles.

The Borough of Garwood is excited to join the Recycle Coach network, which will transform how we communicate local collection, waste, and recycling information to our residents. Beyond that, the platform includes engagement and educational tools to help people manage and correctly dispose of their waste.
Residents can access Recycle Coach from their desktop computers, mobile devices, or through digital assistants like Amazon Alexa and Google Home. By leveraging the power of voice technology, the platform makes it easy for people to get local disposal information for thousands of household items when they need it. And the best part: it’s absolutely free.

With Recycle Coach, residents can:

  • Stay organized with custom curbside collection and county recycling events calendars
  • Receive collection reminders and real-time updates on service disruptions
  • Become recycling experts with a comprehensive "What Goes Where?" search tool, including local disposal information and collection requirements for common and uncommon items
  • Take the “What Type of Recycler Are You?” quiz for useful recycling tips and tricks

Recycle Coach is an excellent opportunity for Garwood residents to obtain accurate, up-to-date information on recycling with the touch of a button. The Borough of Garwood is committed to promoting recycling and environmental sustainability, and we look forward to partnering with our residents on this exciting new program.