Department of Public Works

We keep the Borough of Garwood healthy, safe and clean by collecting, recycling and disposing of waste, cleaning streets, and clearing snow and ice.

Garbage & Recycling

We offer a menu of collection services, making it easy for Garwood residents to discard waste and recycle.


Learn how we keep our streets clean and your responsibilities as a Garwood resident.

Snow Response

Garwood residents see us spreading salt, plowing, melting and hauling snow – but snow response is a year-round process. 


Garwood Road Conditions

Garwood road conditions as of December 2023. 


Adopt-a-Drain Program

The Borough of Garwood's Public Works Department announces its new Adopt-a-Drain Program, a storm-drain management program where residents and businesses can assist in keeping the local watersheds clean by adopting storm drains in their neighborhood and committing to clearing them regularly. 


Adoption Process:

1) Sign up: To adopt a storm drain, scan the QR code below or visit:  to select a drain location preference and submit your information. You will be contacted by the Borough of Garwood with more information and an adoption packet. 



2) Learn how to keep your storm drain clean: You will receive an adoption packet including tips on how to clean your storm drain properly while staying safe at the same time. 

3) Start cleaning: Once you receive our adoption packet and complete the paperwork, you can begin cleaning your storm drain. A monthly cleanup is recommended but frequency is based on the drain's conditions and the season. 

4) Record your progress: track the debris you've collected and report your efforts to the Borough. 



The Adopt-a-Drain Program is open to Garwood Residents ages 14 and up and Groups, Organizations, or Businesses based in Garwood. 



Interested in learning more? Contact Councilwoman Karina Boto at